Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9-Ko Samet:Ultra Blissed out

Today we woke up to face one final (absolute LAST) trek across the island in search of two nights accomodation for a better price then our emergency crashlanding pad.
Finally we got settled in, and I have my own room this time:)

And now? Chill time. The beaches are gorgeous white sand, the water is clear aquamarine, and I have nothing that needs to be done. BLISS.

At various points durning the day, I:
-had a foot scrub on the beach
-completed a suduko puzzle
-read a novel
-ate dinner on a table on a blanket on the beach.

The only physical activity I got was when Peter and I rented a kayak. At one point I jumped out to float a little bit, then re-entered the kayak with the grace of a floating feather. Peter decided to give it a go as well. He made me hold on to his bucket hat. I don't know why he didn't wear it...I wore my sunglasses in. As Peter re-entered the kayak I held on to both our oars. Unfortunately, Peter's re-entry technique was sadly lacking. We capsized (well HE capsized us really). I could picture myself exactly how I looked, laughing hysterically in my puffy life-jacket, holding two oars, with huge sunglasses and a khaki bucket hat swallowing my head, just floating in the ocean. I was about to show Peter how "re-entrance" should be executed, when a man in a speedboat pulled up. He helped us back in our kayak by holding it steady for us. He was so nice! What language barrier?

I am excited for tomorrow, and so happy to be exactly where I am.

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