Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 14- Things get better...

Not like they could have gotten worse! Today we were smart and gave ourselves a break. We mosy-ed, stayed inside out of the heat, ate three square meals, hit a market, and showered frequently (yesterday when I got here, I flung myself into my bed...which turned my white sheets into the most disgusting orangy-brown colour).

Yesterday's entry related some scams I've been subjected to. I didn't really talk about the country. It's exactly how you would picture a post-war country.

Cambodia has the most landmines of any country in the world (don't worry, I'm not straying off the beaten path). As soon as you cross the border, the landscape becomes bleak. Especially after living in hilly South Korea/Northern Thailand, the prairie-like flatness is hard on the eyes.

The ground is red dust and the sky is grey.

During the three-hour taxi-ride from the border to Siam Reap, conditions were appalling. The road is only paved up to a certain point, then you must jounce along crater filled dirt roads, that frequently detour into even worse rutted pathways.

At one point we were driving like a stunt car in a movie, with two wheels up on a mound of dirt and the other two on the road.

Siam Reap is dirty and crowded. While I am no longer wishing to cut my vacation short, Cambodia has been a sobering country.

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