Monday, November 10, 2008


Not that I want to get political or offend anyone, but I just want to share an experience from my classroom.

In the grade 5 and 6 classes I show animated clips with the same characters every class. The clips pertain to the lesson, are very short, and I ask questions about them. There are two Korean characters, a few white characters (one of which is obligingly chubby and stupid), and one black character named Peter. Peter has freakishly large clown lips and always wears basketball shorts.

In today's lesson, Peter is listening to his walkman, getting his groove on, and wearing his sunglasses inside.

Usually when the kids see Peter, even though they know his name, they yell out Micheal! My co-teacher informed me they thought he looked like 'Micol' from a Korean tv show, who was modeled after Micheal Jackson.

Today when they saw Peter, they mentioned Obama.


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