Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another lovely evening in Jeollanam-do

Last night I met my friend Lindsey at the octopus soup restaurant. (It gets better EVERY time)

After dinner Lindsey and I returned to our aerobic dance class.

At the gym my other friend pointed out a man who wants to be introduced to me (her boyfriend and this man are both ginormously muscled so they are friends of a sort).

He is 40+ (which is weird because Korean people only date other people who are their same age, or MAYBE one year older or younger) divorced, and wears a muscle shirt with straps that cover his nipples.I told her I would incinerate her if her or her boyfriend introduced us.

Anyway, after our communal shower, Lindsey and I parted ways. I settled in at home to read a book and chill out before bed. Around 10:30, just before I jumped into bed, my newcomer friend came knocking on my door.

She was slightly befuddled (ie tipsy toddled) after another 'fun hike' with her Korean co-teachers. (Word to the wise: Fun hikes=no fun). She had left the school at 1pm to hike, so she assumed she would return to the school and pick up her things.


Rookie mistake!

After dinner (complete with shots of soju) and noraebang, she escaped from her teachers(who wanted to continue drinking) and returned to our apartment complex, only to remember her keys were in her bag, left at her school some 9.5hrs previously.

So I got a snuggler for the night:)

In approximately one hour, my co-teacher and I will teach a demonstration class. We are teaching our best class (grade five students) and any teacher willing, plus the vice-principal and principal are going to sit in the back and watch us. It's going to be fine. HOWEVER my perma-panicky co-teacher has been ESPECIALLY panicky leading up to this class. I want to shake her and say reLAX!

I'll let you know how it goes...

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