Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's happened..

I hit the vacation wall about three days ago. You know, the point where lazing around doing nothing turns from being blissfull to nightmare-ishly boring.

My entire sleep pattern has regressed to my old bartending days. I'm staying up until dawn and crawling out of bed around dinner time (note to self, stop this behavior immediately).

Anyway, the time BEFORE the vacation wall has been spectactular!

Amanda, Lizzie, and I have all bought second-hand bicycles. We've been spending quite a few days biking around Suncheon (which is entirely pleasant in January, it's maybe dipped below zero five days so far).

We also discovered Wii-bang! (bang=room in English). That's right, it's a place where you can rent little wii rooms (or ps3's) and play to your heart's content for $1.50/hr/person. I don't know HOW they make any profit. There's eight wii's and 12 ps3's. All connected to huge plasma screens. We've all become fairly proficient in guitar hero this past month! It's also so pleasent that the teenage boys who work at the wii-bang are so unafraid of us. There's no giggling when we entire the room. They don't cower and shove each other to find out who drew the short straw to serve us (certain health care professionals could learn a thing or two from them).

Speaking of health care...

Two weeks ago my travel companions and I went to the hospital for typhoid shots and malaria pills. Can you say ORDEAL. The nurse giving the shots was too cute though. In a total deadpan voice she's put the needle on our arms, say 'now' and then as she depressed the plunger, 'sorry'.

Then we had to go...somewhere else to get our malaria pills. They kept saying a Korean phrase OVER and OVER. We ended up in a parking garage totally perplexed. Later we realized that the phrase probably meant 'across the street' where the pharmacy was located.

After we got home with our malaria pills I looked on travel doctor... only to find out that the malaria strain on the Thailand/Cambodia border is completely resistant to the drug we purchased.

Back to the pharmacy we trucked. After many terrified looks and phone calls, it was decided that we would purchase a MUCH more expensive drug ($100 opposed to $30). The pharmacists didn't think we would go for the price! "You must pay $100 THREE times!" (There were three of us at the time). Well okay...I'd rather pay $100 for pills that might actually prevent me from getting malaria, then $30 for pills that are utterly useless.

As a parting gift from the pharmacy, we were given a gift wrapped package containing three 2L bottles of Welch's grape juice (regular, red and white). The pharmacists told us to 'share' the juice.

About a week ago now I hosted an art night with the goal of finally covering my huge living room wall. I finished my project about three days ago, and have been appalingly bored (and boring) since then. Thankfully I am leaving for my Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam trip on Saturday!

I have also completely failed to plan any lessons whatsoever for next semester. Future Jennifer is going to hate my guts.

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