Monday, September 1, 2008


Soooooo the culture shock is definitely setting in. Yesterday was the first day of school but I didn't have any classes. I had to give a speech in front of 40 teachers who had NO idea what I was talking about. Winnie translated. Then I had to stand on stage for an assembly, straining with all my might to hear the Principal say my name so I wouldn't miss my cue to step forward and bow.

It was when I was leaving school at 5 when it really hit me though. I mean HIT ME. different everything is, really. These aren't just surface things, it's an entirely different way of life. It sunk in for the first time when I saw the hen coop outside my school. My school keeps ROOSTERS!! I don't know why but that just did it for me.

I waited for the bus home with a group of 40 high school boys (me handsome boy, you face very very small-this is apparently a good thing) . They knew where I lived!! I mean, the fact that I live in Shidae is pretty obvious because all of the foreigners live there, but they knew my building number!! Creepy. And yet not, because I stand out like a red kite in the blue sky.

Then I got home and called Haydar about taking tae kwon do lessons with him. I've never met him before, a friend gave me his number. He asked me if I knew where his school was, and when I said no, he said 'ok, i'll be there in ten minutes to pick you up on my bike' click. Wow. I'd been home for ten minutes, and now in ten more I had to be ready to get a scooter ride from a total stranger on my way to TKD class. wow. (it turned out pretty well)

Today is my first day teaching classes (i'm on lunch right now). I did four classes from 9-1210. I have one more after lunch, then Winnie and I have three hours to do prep for the next lesson. Teaching is interesting....I had one HORRIBLE class, but the rest are pretty darn cute.

At the cafeteria some of the younger boys surrounded me (literally 20 of them) and started asking me questions. One boy pointed out my moles (thank you) and asked 'why?'. I said I was born with them like my green eyes. 'YOU HAVE GREEN EYES????' So now I had 20 9 year olds excitedly peering into my eyes, saying 'whoaaaaaaaaaaaa'. haha, it was pretty cute. I don't mind the attention at all really. The ones who ignore me kind of dissapoint me. I like being a novelty. Maybe that's why I'm here. (In one of my classes they clapped when I said 'hello' in Korean.

I have students arriving so bye for now!

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